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EPMV and pageviews improve after joining Ezoic Access Now


More visitors and higher ad revenue

Pim Kempe began in June 2020 during the COVID pandemic as a way of making some extra money online. While the setup was easy, the earnings were very limited.

When starting off, learning how to create good content and staying motivated while the site grew was difficult. Additionally, writing content takes longer because Kempe’s native language is not English.

To make money, the site was originally on Google AdSense. Though it is easy to apply and set up, Kempe didn’t like that there was not much support or customization, and a low payout rate.

Kempe began looking for additional ways to generate revenue and dive deeper into the analytics of the site. In April 2021, Kempe integrated with Ezoic.

Once was integrated with Ezoic, EPMV and page views immediately started to increase.

In three months, page views increased by 68% and EPMV increased by 14%. joined Ezoic through Access Now, a program designed to get sites with less than 10,000 page views per month onto the Ezoic platform. Kempe found the Access Now process easy to follow and the support provided helpful.

Since joining Ezoic,’s monthly revenue has increased 2,760% and monthly visits have increased 419%.

Kempe also uses Ezoic Big Data Analytics to dig deeper into the website; using Big Data Analytics, Kempe finds common characteristics on pages with high EPMV and uses that information to strategize for new content. Kempe particularly likes Ezoic Ad Tester and privacy products, which covers GDPR and CCPA. Ezoic Ad Tester has helped earn significantly more than just Google AdSense and increased traffic to the site.

“I really enjoy the products Ezoic offers. Everything is easy to set up, my earnings increased a lot, and it’s all free.”

– Pim Kempe