Unlocking Website Growth: Mastering Speed with Leap


Sarah Clow

Sarah Clow

Unlocking Website Growth: Mastering Speed with Leap
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In a recent webinar, online publishing and site speed expert Nathan Horton taught Ezoic publishers how to optimize their sites for speed using the tools at their disposal.

Slow-loading pages not only frustrate visitors but can also harm your search engine rankings. Fortunately, there are powerful tools available to help you optimize your site's performance and enhance the user experience. Leap is an all-in-one app designed to intelligently diagnose and address performance issues. Nathan shares valuable insights into mastering website speed for growth using Leap. Let's delve into the methods and approaches discussed in the webinar and explore how to implement these lessons to supercharge your website.

Leap: Your All-in-One Speed Optimization Solution

Leap is more than just another speed optimization tool—it's a comprehensive solution that intelligently analyzes and provides actions to address complex performance issues. 

By leveraging cloud caching with advanced CDN capabilities, Leap offers a range of features to enhance website speed, including caching, CSS optimization, image size reduction, lazy loading, and more. Leap's integration with Ezoic ads sets it apart, saving users money by consolidating performance features into one tool.


Key Areas of Focus: Caching, Measurement, and Optimization

Nathan highlighted three primary areas within Leap: caching, measurement, and optimization. Let's explore each of these areas in more detail and understand how you can leverage Leap effectively to improve your site's speed and performance.

1. Caching:

Caching is one of the most critical aspects of website speed optimization. By storing and serving cache copies of your site's content, you can significantly reduce load times for visitors.



Nathan emphasized the importance of configuring caching settings correctly and shared his recommended settings publishers can set in Advanced Cache Settings: 

Default recommended settings

  • Override Cache-Control Headers: Override rules usually set by a plugin or host that can prevent Ezoic and other CDNs from caching your content
  • Enable Caching for Cookies (sensitive): Allow Ezoic to cache content for requests that set cookies. This setting is not recommended when visitors are logged in and other cookie scenarios

Implementation Tip: When configuring caching settings in Leap, follow the recommended default settings for most sites, but customize them based on your specific requirements. Regularly monitor your cache hit rate and adjust settings as needed to maximize performance.

If you're not getting the cache hit rate (%) you desire, use the Debug Cache function in your Leap dashboard to analyze pages on your site. 


2. Measurement:

Measuring website performance is essential for identifying areas of improvement. Leap provides valuable insights into core web vitals, including metrics like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). Nathan explained the importance of distinguishing between field data and lab data and shared strategies for optimizing performance based on available metrics.


Field Data vs Lab Data

Field Data is populated using real user data found in the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) provided by Google. You will not see metrics displayed here if a site does not have enough real-User data to generate this report.

For sites with no Field data, it is best to optimize using Lab Data. Lab data uses emulated testing conditions to provide publishers a way to test and optimize for User Experience and Site Speed while unable to generate field data reports.


Leap Recommendations 

With Leap Recommendations, publishers can view alternative and similar technologies that are known to be faster than the ones currently slowing down their websites. Not seeing a technology you have in mind? Scroll down and search our Technology Library to see if we’ve reviewed it.

Implementation Tip: Use Leap's measurement tools to analyze your site's performance regularly. Focus on improving core web vitals scores by addressing issues highlighted in the recommendations section, such as optimizing images, eliminating render-blocking scripts, and minimizing unused CSS.

3. Optimization:

Optimization is the key to unlocking your site's full potential. Leap offers various optimization features, including jQuery optimization, script execution management, and ad optimization. Nathan demonstrated leveraging Leap's optimization capabilities to enhance website speed while maintaining revenue generation.

Optimize in basic steps:

  • Integrate via Nameservers or Cloudflare
  • Turn on caching/CDN
  • Examine technologies and recommendations
  • Implement changes, remove scripts, deactivate plugins, etc.
  • Preview, test, repeat
  • Activate optimized settings to the live site

Implementation Tip: Explore Leap's optimization settings and experiment with different configurations to find the optimal balance between speed and functionality. Prioritize critical elements such as jQuery optimization and script execution management to address performance bottlenecks effectively.

Best Practices for Implementation and Testing

Nathan emphasized the importance of thorough testing when implementing speed optimization changes. Whether adjusting caching settings, optimizing scripts, or tweaking ad placements, it's crucial to preview changes in Leap's test environment before applying them to the live site. Additionally, he recommended monitoring performance metrics over time and reverting to previous settings if necessary.

Implementation Tip: Develop a structured testing process for implementing speed optimization changes. Start by identifying specific areas for improvement, make targeted adjustments in Leap, and thoroughly test the impact on site performance. Monitor core web vitals scores and user experience metrics to gauge the effectiveness of optimization efforts.


In conclusion, mastering website speed for growth requires a proactive approach and the right tools at your disposal. By harnessing the power of Leap, publishers can diagnose performance issues, optimize key elements, and elevate the user experience to new heights. Implementing the strategies discussed in this webinar transcript can help you unlock the full potential of your website and drive sustainable growth in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

Whether you're a seasoned publisher or just starting your online journey, prioritizing website speed optimization is essential for long-term success. With Leap as your trusted ally, you can confidently navigate the complexities of performance optimization and stay ahead of the curve in today's fast-paced digital world.

Remember, the journey to mastering website speed is ongoing, and continuous optimization is key to staying ahead of the competition. Start leveraging Leap today and unleash the full potential of your website for unparalleled growth and success.

If you're an Ezoic publisher, you can watch a recording of Nathans's webinar here and register to attend future webinar events here.

Sarah Clow

Written By: Sarah Clow

Sarah is an experienced publishing industry leader responsible for organizing independent, publisher-only events; including some of the largest ever held at Google. Sarah is Ezoic's Director of Marketing.

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