Reducing Google Dependency By Diversifying Traffic Sources


Sarah Clow

Sarah Clow

Reducing Google Dependency By Diversifying Traffic Sources
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Google's updates can shake up the online world, especially for publishers who rely on Google for website traffic. Amidst the aftermath of last year's notable updates, including the impactful Helpful Content Update, the imperative for publishers to recalibrate their strategies has never been more relevant.

Relying too much on just one traffic source poses risks. It's not just about avoiding problems with Google; it's also about finding new ways to make money.

Instead of putting all your eggs in the Google basket, Jason from Ezoic recently hosted a webinar to teach publishers how to take a more diverse approach through social media, email marketing, and strategic partnerships to reach new audiences. 

In this article, we'll cover the golden advice Jason shared during the webinar so you, too, can protect yourself from sudden changes in Google's rules while also building a stronger, more resilient online presence for the long haul.

Newsletters: The Direct Line of Communication

One of the gems in the crown of traffic sources is the newsletter. It's a direct line to your audience, allowing you to build personal connections that transcend the impersonal nature of mere web traffic. 

Harnessing newsletters goes beyond just talking to your audience; it's about building strong connections with readers and keeping them interested in your brand. When you send newsletters with personalized content, it makes people feel special, like they're getting something just for them. People who get newsletters from you spend much more time on your website—about 80% more! 

Newsletters let you talk directly to your audience, sharing stuff they care about and bringing them back for more. This direct connection means your website traffic stays strong, no matter what changes happen online. In short, newsletters are a secret weapon for keeping your audience engaged and your brand resilient.

If you've previously had a newsletter that fizzled out, follow these steps to effectively revamp: 

  1. Craft Compelling Subject Lines: Utilize tools like ChatGPT to brainstorm attention-grabbing subject lines that entice recipients to open your emails.
  2. Design User-Friendly Layouts: Keep your email design simple yet visually appealing, especially if the newsletter aims to showcase new blog content. Avoid overwhelming visual elements that might distract from the main message, ensuring that readers can easily navigate and engage with the content.
  3. Focus on Relevant Content: Share content that resonates with your audience's interests and needs. Tailor your newsletter to provide valuable information or updates that your subscribers will find beneficial and engaging.


In this scenario shown above, the reader gains access to exclusive downloadable content and useful tips tailored to their interests. Emphasizing the need for mobile and desktop optimization, Khalid Saleh, CEO of Invesp, warns that non-responsive email designs may lead to significant subscriber loss, with over half of consumers unsubscribing from emails that fail to display properly on mobile devices. A clear call to action should be prominently featured at the top of the newsletter to maximize effectiveness. 

Additionally, popular newsletter tools such as Brevo and Mailchimp are recommended for publishers seeking efficient platforms for content dissemination.

The Forum Frontier: Reddit and Quora

Jason also dove into the world of forums like Reddit and Quora. These platforms are goldmines for those who genuinely engage and provide value. 

To enhance website traffic using forums such as Reddit and Quora, it's essential to adhere to certain principles. Firstly, establish a visible presence within these communities by actively engaging in discussions and providing valuable contributions. This involves commenting on relevant threads and sharing insights related to your niche or areas of expertise. However, it's crucial to avoid excessive self-promotion. 

Before promoting your website, ensure you actively participate in discussions and adhere to forum guidelines. Following the 10% rule, limit promotional content to a small portion of your overall contributions to avoid being perceived as spammy or overly promotional. Additionally, join subreddits or Quora topics relevant to your niche to target specific audiences interested in your website's content. Finally, maintain a balanced posting frequency to prevent appearing overly promotional. Taking breaks between posts helps establish credibility and trust within the community. By becoming a valuable and trustworthy member of forum communities, website owners can effectively leverage platforms like Reddit and Quora to drive traffic to their websites.


Image source: Master Blogging

Social Media: A Traffic Tapestry

Website owners can use social media to drive more traffic to their websites. Driving traffic via social media can look different depending on your platform. 


It's recommended to consistently pin 4-10 new pins daily to keep their profile active and visible. Creating video pins can significantly enhance engagement and visibility on the platform. Regular usage of Pinterest contributes to increased profile visibility, so maintaining an active presence is crucial. 

Website owners should focus on creating fresh content by regularly publishing new blog posts and creating at least 5 different pins for each post to maximize exposure. Including a clear call to action urging the audience to save and follow their content can help increase visibility and reach on Pinterest. It's essential to optimize pins by adding descriptive titles, links, and strong thumbnails and saving content to relevant boards for better discoverability. Utilizing vertical images and incorporating logos can further enhance brand recognition. 


Image Source: Later


Consistency is key when it comes to posting on Facebook, whether you establish a regular schedule or utilize the platform's scheduling feature to maintain a steady stream of content. Sharing articles from your blog is a great way to engage your audience, but it's essential to accompany them with descriptive captions that convey the article's relevance and value. Incorporating social sharing buttons on your blog allows readers to easily share your content across their social media platforms, amplifying its reach and visibility. Additionally, consider creating Facebook groups centered around your niche to cultivate a dedicated following and showcase your expertise to establish credibility within your community.

Facebook insights offer a window into the performance of your posts. By analyzing this data, you can refine your strategy and boost engagement, leading to more traffic and a stronger online presence.


Beyond Your Borders: Guest Posting

Engaging in guest posting involves writing articles for other websites to enhance brand promotion. This strategy can significantly contribute to traffic growth and improve SEO by showcasing your expertise and acquiring backlinks from larger websites, thereby increasing traffic to your own site. 

However, it's crucial to ensure that guest posts are aligned with your expertise and intended to raise awareness of your brand rather than solely driving traffic. Google penalizes manipulative linking practices, so it's essential to approach guest posting with authenticity and relevance to avoid any adverse consequences.

Become an active community member on platforms like X (Twitter) and LinkedIn to connect with other blog owners in your niche. This is a great way to not only connect with other publishers but explore guest posting partnerships. 


In conclusion, diversifying your traffic sources isn't just a tactic; it's a necessary strategy for sustainable online success. By building trust, providing value, and engaging with the community across various platforms, you can weather any digital storm and keep your traffic flowing.

If you're an Ezoic publisher, you can watch the recording of Jason's webinar here. Find more webinar recordings and register to attend future virtual events here.

Sarah Clow

Written By: Sarah Clow

Sarah is an experienced publishing industry leader responsible for organizing independent, publisher-only events; including some of the largest ever held at Google. Sarah is Ezoic's Director of Marketing.

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