The Best Analytics
For Tying Revenue, Traffic, and Content Together

Know more than you ever thought possible about your audience, revenue, and how they're connected.

Comprehensive Analysis
Traffic and revenue data all in one place. Digital publishers can glean insights around the value of their website content and make data-driven decisions
Flexible Reporting
Harness the versatility of our easy to access and customizable reports to adapt to your unique publishing needs
Predictive Insights
Leverage advanced analytics like a true data nerd - anticipate revenue and traffic opportunities with every report, enabling strategic decisions for continuous growth

Dynamic reports & interactive capabilities

Ezoic Big Data Analytics ties revenue and audience engagement to your content.


Understand which topics are already generating the most revene; and measure ROI for the effort.

Understand Audience Value

Discover in granular detail how your audience interacts with your content and how that impacts revenue.

Big Data analytics

Gain access to exclusive Premium features

Premium advertisers

Gain access to the highest-paying advertisers in the industry

Advanced Ad Reporting

Get reports that show revenue by demand source, ad placement, and ad-level metrics

Direct Sales Page

Boost sales by sending interested advertisers to Ezoic's Direct Sales Team

Strategy sessions

Meet with our experts to develop content and revenue strategies

Analytics API

Access our full-featured reporting and analytics API

And More

We always share and offer the latest with our Premium members